The Daughters of God Drive Chairs!

The Sons of God was invited by the Association for Contemporary Art to perform at the Third International Festival of Performance "Navinki2001" but they where denied entrance to Belarusia.

For that reason they are sending their sisters to perform the peice.

Thanks to SU-EN Butoh Dance Company.

The following text is from the organizer:

The third performance festival Navinki2001 in Minsk (Belarus) starts 7.09.2001 at 12:00 at Museum for contemporary visual arts. Then it will continue 16:00-20:00 at Pall Mall club and 8,9 September 12:00-20:00 at Pall Mall club.
10 September will be open-air performances on the hills where the city was situated at 9th century (10 km from our days Minsk suburbs).

Navinki performance festival takes place annually by the end of 1 decade of September. The festival deals with nor theatrical, nor dance, nor dj's music performances, nor political actions, but only with artistic performances. It gathers interesting performers from different countries and (we hope) is important not only for contemporary art life in Belarus.

This year Navinki2001 comes across with complicated socio-political situation connected with presidents elections in Belarus. 2 weeks ago we were expected about 40 participants. Caused by state policy and regime games many of artists where refused with different ambages by Belarusian consulates in giving them visas in terms of the festival. It looks that arts/artists more dangerous for regime then hundreds of journalists and observers from different countries, which are coming these days in connection with political event.

We still account these artists as participants, especially, some of them proposed distanced or extended forms of their performances.

Here the list of Navinki2001 participants who DO NOT arrive to Minsk in connection with entrance problem:

The Sons of God (Leif Elggren and Kent Tankred) - Sweden
Helen Sharp - UK
Rody Hunter - UK
Skip Arnold - USA
Roi Vaara - Finland
Irzi Suruvka - Czech Rep
Piotr Lysachek - Czech Rep
Martin Zet - Czech Rep